All right, my first real
post :D
And I’m going to go over a blog post I was recently shown regarding music piracy and the warm and cuddly Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
For the record, I do not download music or burn other people’s CDs, and I think it is generally a sin to do so. That’s not to say I approve of how the RIAA conducts itself; I just don’t approve of piracy and believe no child of God should.
I have recently started a bit of a dialogue with some of my brothers and sisters at my school, and one of my brothers showed me this blog. It’s been said that it does a good job of justifying music piracy for the purpose of changing the music industry. I thought I’d give some thoughts about it from my Christian perspective, since after all, this is a blog and therefore I assume you who read it are interested in what I have to say (for which I am very grateful, and hope you don’t leave disappointed).
This is actually based on a response to some longer, written dialogue, but I think it stands alone as well.
And I’m going to go over a blog post I was recently shown regarding music piracy and the warm and cuddly Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
For the record, I do not download music or burn other people’s CDs, and I think it is generally a sin to do so. That’s not to say I approve of how the RIAA conducts itself; I just don’t approve of piracy and believe no child of God should.
I have recently started a bit of a dialogue with some of my brothers and sisters at my school, and one of my brothers showed me this blog. It’s been said that it does a good job of justifying music piracy for the purpose of changing the music industry. I thought I’d give some thoughts about it from my Christian perspective, since after all, this is a blog and therefore I assume you who read it are interested in what I have to say (for which I am very grateful, and hope you don’t leave disappointed).
This is actually based on a response to some longer, written dialogue, but I think it stands alone as well.